The AUB made this known at the 4th preparatory meeting of the African Telecommunications Union in Yaoundé, Cameroon, ahead of the World Radio-Communication Conference scheduled for November 2023, in Dubai.
Mobile operators are obsessed with bands. They have already absorbed everything that was reserved for them and have decided to colonize the TNT band by coming to despoil us and snatch part of this band from us”, says the Director General of the African Broadcasting Union, Grégoire Ndjaka, at the start of the 4th and final preparatory meeting for the 2023 World Radio-Communication Conference.
He says there is reason to worry about what could become of the audiovisual sector if the next decisions at Dubai do not integrate the concerns of African broadcasters.
The DG of the AUB says « It is now a question of examining the use of the spectrum and the needs for existing services in the frequency band 470 – 960 MHz in region 1 and of considering the regulatory measures which could be taken in this band in region 1, taking into account the examination carried out in accordance with resolution 235”.